Saturday, March 24, 2007

Formation of Srijan Foundation

On 22 March 2007, Srijan Foundation Trust was formally registered. The government functioning was extremely efficient, the people behind the counter to advise on how to fill the form were a little impatient yet helpful, the final signing authority seemed like a person of integrity. It took all of 4 hours to complete the process, and the papers were collected the next day.

Surely, a change in the governments functioning. Ignore, my first post of the need for giving bribes for such a formation.

A good experience overall!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sri Jagannath Pathshala

The school we fund in Puri, Orrisa, has been named "Sri Jagannath Pathshala". It is now getting firmly established in the region with nearly 3 months of running, and more and more children enrolling.

Our prayers and gratitude to
  1. Bhima Paredaji, a very respected person in the Nada-Khand village, for giving us a portion of his house for running the activities of the school
  2. The teacher, Pramod, who is taking the lead in doing all this

Picture of the students

Visiting Card printed by Pramod, the teacher

List of the students enrolled and their government school grade

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Free tractor service to small landowners

A story from today's Indian Express: talks about a man Ramesh Arnalkar, a trader from Pune, who is giving out a brand new tractor to small land-owners in Maharashtra's suicide belt, free of cost to help them till their land, and thus start earning from it. While returning with his wife, Shalini, from a pilgrimage, the Arnalkars, made made up their mind to do something for the farmers. Shalini, put in her personal savings of Rs.50,000 for the cause.

The tractor mission has already reached 50-odd farmers from the Alandi region in Maharashtra. These farmers have to only pay for the Diesel and the driver's daily salary, which, both including comes to about Rs.150/- per day. Compare this with the cost of hiring a tractor from large land owners - upto Rs.3000/- per day, which was absolutely impossible for these small landowners with 1 - 3 acres of land typically.

We, at Srijan Foundation will surely send some money to the Arnalkars. Could we help them raise funds for another tractor? hmmmm... possible surely!